This is the third year in a row that I hosted a craft event in my company, in celebration of the Lunar New Year. We had such a fun time!
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Visualize Ideas, Even If They Could Be “Bad”
As designers, our intuition and judgement take a big part when it comes to evaluating our own design ideas.
Sometimes, I kill ideas when they’re still in my head.
The problem with that is several fold.
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How to expand your design explorations? How not to explore just “safe” design options?
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I’ve volunteered a few times to draw cards for our colleagues’ special events, like baby showers, going-away parties and pre-wedding parties. I really enjoyed this little activity.
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Can You Add Meanings to Socks? — A Practice on Denotative and Connotative Images
I did some interesting practice on making denotative images and connotative images. A denotative image is a direct representation of an object from real life, whether it be cartoonized or realistic, made by pen or something else. A connotative image added an extra layer of “meaning” to the denotative image.
To start, I needed to choose an object. I chose a sock. My mission was to quickly do 10 denotative images (using different ways) and 3 connotative images on paper. A lot, huh? I thought so, too. After all, how can socks be sketched differently into that many images? But I decided to give it a try.
Continue readingBook Notes: Creative Confidence — Where to Get Ideas? Keep a Bug List
The creative juices come from life. To be mindful of all the surroundings and engage with the world in a more proactive way one pumps us with ideas.
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When it comes to trying to solve problems with creativity, it’s very important to keep the right mindset — how you think will have direct impacts on whether you will arrive at innovative and impactful solutions.
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I joined an online creativity workshop on Udemy by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat Pray Love. Elizabeth says, being creative doesn’t mean that you have to be an artist; but if you want to stay creative, you need to find a way to make it a routine and form a mindset. Mostly importantly, you need to stay curious. Also, keep in mind that perfectionism is the enemy of creativity — don’t wait till you have everything to start executing.
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It’s great that they can continue to live somewhere in this world.
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