Paper is where ideas begin. It’s the easiest and most beautiful way to create on the new iPad. Capture your ideas as sketches, diagrams, illustrations, notes or drawings and instantly share them across the web. Download “Paper by FiftyThree” from the App Store.
Smashing Magazine
You should definetly visit this site, lots of useful stuff for web designers!
Responsive Web Design Offers Us
Skeuomorphic vs. Flat Design
I came across this excellent article about Apple’s highly textured and ornamented design (so-called “Skeuomorphic”) and Windows 8’s flat design. Apple tries to simulate real world objects and textures in its apps, such as iBook, Calendar, Notes; and in contrast, Microsoft tends to make interfaces look more flat and digital by removing every bit of adornment from its latest UI.
Continue readingCreative Sandbox Guidebook: WOOOOOOOOW!
This is a guidebook from Google Creative Sandbox, and WOW! Completely amazed by it.
Continue readingEZ Air Dry – A Fun PVC Industrial Design Project
I finished another fun Coursera project: “EZ Air Dry”, a solution for hang-to-dry a fair amount of clothes in limited space. Some design topics come from the designer’s need, and this project was right the case.
Continue readingHTML5 and SEO
Sed feugiat consectetur enim, in feugiat dui pharetra eget. Donec quis nunc diam. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis non risus eu risus auctor vulputate. Nunc id lorem at nulla ornare vestibulum sagittis vel diam. Nulla magna quam, dignissim id pellentesque at, rhoncus vitae sem. Mauris leo velit,… Continue reading
Experiencing Coursera Class!
I had a great time with Coursera, one of the big three MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) providers, and happily completed my Human Computer Interaction (HCI) course. This is my first course in Coursera. I had such a great time with Coursera and my HCI course that I am currently doing two other courses. It’s so fun and I hope many more people can join this online study community!
Continue readingCross Browser Compatible
In a lacus sapien, vel egestas urna. Cras arcu turpis, convallis lobortis semper et, congue ut purus. Etiam erat tortor, facilisis sed tempus eleifend, posuere sit amet sem. Vivamus condimentum pulvinar euismod. Sed id lorem quam, eget convallis arcu. Nullam commodo augue et leo accumsan ac eleifend augue ultrices. Nam sit amet lectus odio. Proin… Continue reading
A Painful Lesson from Hipstamatic vs. Instagram
This might be a perfect and painful example that how a once successful product fades. After reading it, I seemed to understand why and how it got itself in trap. I think this is a good read for anyone who is interested in product design/development/management, because the lesson of this product is so painful and so valuable.
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